Karson Ka-Shun Wong (黃嘉信) is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher offering 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs, organizational mindfulness, and mindful performance training courses in English and Cantonese for the general public, corporates, athletes, international schools, psychotherapy u0026amp; health care centers and teenagers in Hong Kong. He has extensive mindfulness practice with the completion of multiple 10-day long vipassana meditation retreats and volunteered in leading breathing meditation courses for kids.
Karson is also a Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge (mPEAK) Certified Coach of UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness and a Mindful Eating Facilitator-in-Training of UMass. Medical School, Center for Mindfulness. He is currently pursuing further mindfulness teacher training at Brown University Mindfulness Center.
Having managed his own business and worked at HKUST Business School, CityU HK and NGOs, Karson is passionate about how mindfulness enhances and cultivates the well being and resilience of modern busy people and students living in the digital age and a multicultural setting. He runs www.MindfulOcean.com to provide his audience educational information and insights related to mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Karson is a Master of Science in Psychology candidate at University of Glasgow, UK and holds a Bachelor degree in Social Sciences from City University of Hong Kong.
Mindfulness related qualification and training:
- Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMTP-60371274), International Mindfulness Teachers Association
- Qualified MBSR Teacher, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Center for Mindfulness
- Certified mPEAK Mindful Performance Enhancement Coach, UC San Diego School of Medicine, Center for Mindfulness
- Trained Mindfulness for Children Teacher (Paws B, Dot Breathe), Mindfulness in School Project, UK
- Mindful Awareness Practices, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
- Mindfulness for Health, Breathworks UK & Mindfulness Center AB Sweden
- Vipassana Meditation Center Retreats
- Mental Health First Aid for Student Administrators Training, City University of Hong Kong
Professional Affiliation:
- Hong Kong Mindfulness Teachers Network – Member
- American Mindfulness Research Association – Practice Professional Member
- International Positive Psychology Association – Member
- Association of Business Psychology UK – Practitioner Member
- World Federation for Mental Health – Member
Karson has offered Mindfulness and Wellness Training to corporates and organizations, including:
- DBS Hong Kong, Sephora, Lee Kum Kee, Swire Properties, Stephenson Harwood, WeWork, The Hive, Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts, Asurion APAC, UNICEF HK, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Discovery Mind Education, ESF Kennedy School, ESF West Island School, Canadian International School, King’s College, Women’s Welfare Club – Western District, The HK Society for the Aged, Yan Chai Hospital FYY Neighbourhood Elderly Centre etc.
He has also taught working professionals and executives from:
- Google HK, HSBC, Bank of China, Lufthansa, AIA, Shangri-La Hotels, Lululemon, Stephenson Harwood, WeWork, Asurion APAC, SongSaa, HKUST Business School, ESF Schools, Canadian International School, Singapore International School, etc.
黃嘉信 (Karson) 擁有多年靜觀修習經驗,現為IMTA國際靜觀導師協會認證導師、美國麻省大學醫學院靜觀中心 UMass. Medical School Center for Mindfulness 認可MBSR導師 (Qualified MBSR Teacher),於香港向公眾、企業機構、專業人士、運動員、學校、社區服務團體及心理治療中心等,以英語及粵語教導推廣8周MBSR靜觀減壓課程、企業靜觀培訓、靜觀頂峰表現提升等課程。他亦曾多次完成10天Vipassana Meditation Retreat 內觀退修營課程,及擔任義工協助帶領兒童觀息法課程。
同時Karson亦是美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校靜觀中心 UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness的認可受訓mPEAK靜觀頂峰表現課程教練。現時他仍繼續於美國布朗大學靜觀中心 Brown University Mindfulness Center進修導師進階培訓。
靜觀相關培訓資歷 :
- IMTA國際靜觀導師協會 認證靜觀導師 (Certified Mindfulness Teacher – 60371274)
- 美國麻省大學醫學院靜觀中心 UMass. Medical School Center for Mindfulness MBSR Teacher Education 靜觀減壓課程導師培訓
- 美國加洲大學聖地牙哥分校靜觀中心 UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Certified mPEAK Coach 靜觀尖峰表現訓練課程-認證教練
- 英國靜觀校園計劃 (Mindfulness in School Project) 認可兒童靜觀課程 Paws B 及 Dot Breathe導師
- 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校靜觀研究中心 UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center – Mindful Awareness Practices 課程
- 英國BreathWorks及瑞典靜觀中心合辦Mindfulness for Health 課程
- 香港內觀靜坐中心 Vipassana Meditation Center 十天內觀退修課程
- 香港心理衛生會及香港城市大學 MHFA精神健康急救證書課程
- 美國靜觀研究協會專業執業會員 American Mindfulness Research Association – Practice Professional Member
- 國際正向心理學協會會員 International Positive Psychology Association – Member
- 英國商業心理學協會執業會員 Association of Business Psychology – Practitioner Member
- 世界精神健康聯盟會員 World Federation for Mental Health – Member
Previous corporate Mindfulness Training Program Clients: