1. 理解及同意接受條款
1.1. 本部份列明本網站的使用條款。閣下進入本網站及其任何網頁,即已同意此等使用條款。
2. 服務說明
2.1. MindfulOcean Limited透過本網站提供各項活動及服務資訊,並透過相片集及影像展視各項活動及場地。站份活動亦可透過本網站進行報名。網站亦透過互動功能,與使用者保持聯繫。
2.2. 部份服務及功能(例如:活動報名)必須以登記用戶身份參與。
3. 私隱
3.1. MindfulOcean Limited重視個人私隱,並確保轄下之服務於任何情況下收集、使用、儲存、轉移及查閱個人資料之程序均符合香港的「個人資料(私隱)條例」的要求。根據上述原則,本網站訂定相關私隱政策,詳情請參閱 私隱政策。
4. 廣告及連結
4.1. 為配合本網站發展,本網站可接受刊登廣告服務,並可與其他公司/機構之網站建立連結。
4.2. 當使用者經本網站與廣告商進行通訊或交易,或連結至其他公司/機構之網站進行瀏覽或交易,一切衍生之義務及責任均由有關公司/機構及用戶負責;MindfulOcean Limited及本網站將不負任何直接或間接之責任,以及引致之損失。
5. 內容與資訊
5.1. 如欲分享內容與資訊,使用者必須擁有所分享內容的擁有權或向公眾發放、播放或放映的權限。
5.2. 如該內容屬知識產權物,例如圖片及影片,使用者於分享的同時即已同意讓MindfulOcean Limited及本網站免版稅地發佈使用者所提供的內容。
5.3. 除非事先得到MindfulOcean Limited的書面授權,使用者嚴禁複製、改編、分發、發佈或提供本網站內的資訊作商業用途。
5.4. MindfulOcean Limited致力保持網站資訊的準確性及完整性。對於使用者因本網站的資訊,或因複製或發佈本網站的資訊而引致的任何損失或損毀,MindfulOcean Limited一概不負任何責任。
6. 你同意不會利用本服務作出以下用途:
6.1. 上載、張貼、發送電郵、傳送或以其他方式發佈任何個人資料(例如:身份證號碼、個人聯絡資訊)或任何公司、機構、團體的內部或機密資料;
6.2. 上載、張貼、發送電郵、傳送或以其他方式提供任何非法的、有害的、恐嚇性的、辱罵性的、騷擾性的、民事侵權的、破壞名譽的、粗俗的、淫穢的、誹謗的、侵犯他人私隱的、仇恨性的、道德上、在種族、人種等方面或其他方面會引起反感的內容;
6.3. 在任何方面對未成年人造成傷害;
6.4. 僞造標頭或用別的方法變換處理器識別工具來隱瞞掩飾通過本服務所傳送之任何內容的來源;
6.5. 冒充任何人、團體或機構,或以虛偽不實的方式陳述或謊稱與任何人、團體或機構之關係作不真實的聲明或其他虛假陳述;
6.6. 上載、張貼、發送電郵、傳送或以其他形式提供任何侵犯任何方的專利、商標、商業秘密、版權或其他專屬權利之內容;
6.7. 上載、張貼、發送電郵、傳送或以其他形式提供任何未經邀請而主動提供或未獲授權的廣告信函、促銷資料、垃圾郵件、兜售信息、連鎖信件、層壓式推銷計劃或任何其他形式為爭取客戶的行爲;
6.8. 上載、張貼、發送電郵、傳送或以其他形式提供任何帶有電腦病毒或任何其他電腦編碼,檔案或程式的資料用作干擾,破壞或限制任何電腦軟件、硬件或電信設備的功能;
6.9. 故意或非故意妨礙或使本服務、伺服器或與本服務連接的網路中斷,或不遵守與本服務連接的網路的要求,程式、程序、政策或規則;
6.10. 故意或非故意地違反任何適用的本地、國家或國際法律,包括但不限於任何國家或其他證券交易所的規定及任何具法律效力的規則;
6.11. 跟蹤、追蹤或以其他方式騷擾其他人;及 /或
6.12. 就以上所禁止的行爲或活動收集或儲存其他使用者的個人資料。
7. 違反聲明
7.1. 使用者同意所分享的內容不會違反本聲明及本網站的服務條款。
7.2. 如使用者分享的內容及資訊違反本聲明,本網站管理人有權刪除該內容及資訊。
7.3. 如使用者持續違反本聲明,本網站管理人有權終止有關人士的網站使用權。
8. 終止帳戶
8.1. 若登記用戶作出不恰當的行為,對其他用戶、本網站或MindfulOcean Limited構成損害,本網站管理人可即時終止其帳戶。本網站管理人將以電郵通知受影響之用戶。
8.2. 登記用戶可向本網站管理人申請終止使用本服務。
8.3. 於終止帳戶後,所有經本網站處理之報名及繳費事宜將繼續生效,所繳費用亦概不退回。
9. 通知
9.1. 所有通知將上載至本網站。
10. 修訂條款
10.1. 本網站保留權利隨時修訂本條款。
10.2. 有關本網站之條款修訂將於本網站公佈。
Terms of Service
1. Acceptance of Terms of Service
1.1. This section lists out the Terms of Service for this web site. When you are entering this web site and any related pages, you have agreed to these Terms of Service.
2. Description of Services
2.1. MindfulOcean Limited provides a variety of information on programmes and services through this web site. Photo albums and videos are also used to showcase the activities and premises. Enrollment could also be performed through this web site for some of the activities. The web site also keeps connected with the users through different interactive features.
2.2. Some services and features (e.g. enrollment to activities) are only available to registered users.
3. Privacy
3.1. MindfulOcean Limited respects personal data privacy, and ensures that the procedures of its services when collecting, using, storing, transferring and enquiring personal data complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. Based on this principle, related Privacy Policy is set up, with details to be found under the section on “Privacy Policy”.
4. Advertising and links
4.1. Couple with the developments of this web site, we may accept advertisements, and provide links to World Wide Web sites or resources of other companies / organizations.
4.2. When you communicate or have business dealings with the advertisers found on or through this web site, or link to the website of other companies or organizations for browsing or business transactions, any obligations and responsibilities thus arising, including any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such advertiser. MindfulOcean Limited and the web site shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred.
5. Sharing content and information
5.1. When you are sharing content and information, you must have the ownership right of the content, or the right for public dissemination, display, performance or broadcasting of the content concerned.
5.2. For copyright related materials, such as photos and videos, you agree to grant MindfulOcean Limited and the web site a royalty free license to publish such content.
5.3. Any other reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of the information available within this website for commercial use is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from MindfulOcean Limited.
5.4. MindfulOcean Limited makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content of this web site. It shall not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage arising from the information, or reproduction or re-dissemination of the information, within this website.
6. You agree not to use the Services for the following purposes:
6.1. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise disseminate any content that contains personal data (such as identity card number or personal contact information), or internal or confidential information of any company, organization or association;
6.2. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise disseminate any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
6.3. harm minors in any way;
6.4. forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Services;
6.5. impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
6.6. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
6.7. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas that are designated for such purpose;
6.8. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
6.9. interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services;
6.10.intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, national or international law or regulation including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by any securities exchange;
6.11.”stalk” or otherwise harass another; or
6.12.extract, collect, process, combine or store personal data about other users.
7. Violations
7.1. You agree that the content you share will not breach the Terms of Service of this web site.
7.2. The web site administrator reserves the right to delete any content and information being posted that is in breach of this Terms of Service.
7.3. If any registered user is continuously in breach of this Terms of Service, the web site administrator has the right to terminate the access right of your login account.
8. Termination of account
8.1. If the registered user has made inappropriate behavior, causing damages to other users, this web site, or MindfulOcean Limited, the web site administrator may immediately terminate his login account. All affected users will also be notified through email.
8.2. Registered users may apply to the web site administrator for the termination of service.
8.3. After the termination of the registered account, all enrollments and payments made before the termination of the account will remain valid, and no refund could be arranged.
9. Notification
9.1. All notifications would be posted to the web site.
10. Amendment to the Terms of Service
10.1.This web site reserves the right to amend this Terms of Service from time to time.
10.2.All amendments to the Terms of Service would be posted to the web site.
(November 2024)